Friday, January 2, 2009

What's New In 2009!!!!

Well I was looking at all of my friends blogs and I came across Kyla's who had a top 100 of what she wanted to do in 2009!!! I thought it was a great idea and decided to do a top 50 of what I wanted to accomplish in 2009. I will keep that posted on the right side of my posts ALL YEAR... and as I do them I will of course take a picture of me doing them, and will highlight them in bold... I, honestly, would love to accomplish ALL 50, but if not I will be satisfied with 40/50!!! If you want to join me in any of my goals just let me know... I know Brady will not try snowboarding with me.... so if any of you want to try I need a buddy!!!! If you have any that you think I should add, I will be more than happy to look into adding!!! Anyway, here is to 2009 and what may come with the new year!!!!

By the way, Brady made a top ten....

Here are his:
1. Play NCAA 09 online with my dad once every two weeks
2. Make dinner once a week (yes that means that the Burrills will be eating home cooked meals at least three times a week. CRAZY?!?!!? I know)
3. Read a book (That one is a stretch I think... I am not even sure if Brady knows how to read!)
4. Take the 3rd Math CSET
5. Do something with his neices and nephews at least twice a month
6. Call his mother in law twice a month
7. Have lunch with Mitz once a month
8. Go to the Griffith Park Observatory
9. Go Whale Watching in Mexico
10. Go to the Grand Canyon

I will of course keep you all updated on Brady's progress as well!!!!

Happy New Year once again!


Burrill4Michigan said...

Jen....What is #20??? Did anyone else read that??? Mitzi Kris you could be an auntie again before the year is out!!!!!!!

Jennifer said...

hahaha... it was DISCUSSING the POSSIBILITY of MAYBE being preggers....

Kris said...

I say that discussion is better than no discussion at all :)

Burrill4Michigan said...

September is a great month...Just remember that November it was in the 90's!!!!