Well I was looking at all of my friends blogs and I came across Kyla's who had a top 100 of what she wanted to do in 2009!!! I thought it was a great idea and decided to do a top 50 of what I wanted to accomplish in 2009. I will keep that posted on the right side of my posts ALL YEAR... and as I do them I will of course take a picture of me doing them, and will highlight them in bold... I, honestly, would love to accomplish ALL 50, but if not I will be satisfied with 40/50!!! If you want to join me in any of my goals just let me know... I know Brady will not try snowboarding with me.... so if any of you want to try I need a buddy!!!! If you have any that you think I should add, I will be more than happy to look into adding!!! Anyway, here is to 2009 and what may come with the new year!!!!
By the way, Brady made a top ten....
Here are his:
1. Play NCAA 09 online with my dad once every two weeks
2. Make dinner once a week (yes that means that the Burrills will be eating home cooked meals at least three times a week. CRAZY?!?!!? I know)
3. Read a book (That one is a stretch I think... I am not even sure if Brady knows how to read!)
4. Take the 3rd Math CSET
5. Do something with his neices and nephews at least twice a month
6. Call his mother in law twice a month
7. Have lunch with Mitz once a month
8. Go to the Griffith Park Observatory
9. Go Whale Watching in Mexico
10. Go to the Grand Canyon
I will of course keep you all updated on Brady's progress as well!!!!
Happy New Year once again!
Jen....What is #20??? Did anyone else read that??? Mitzi Kris you could be an auntie again before the year is out!!!!!!!
hahaha... it was DISCUSSING the POSSIBILITY of MAYBE being preggers....
I say that discussion is better than no discussion at all :)
September is a great month...Just remember that November it was in the 90's!!!!
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