Saturday, September 29, 2007

Saturday September 29, 2007

Well even though it was a sad day and MSU lost.... even though they shouldn't have lost... and we shot ourselves in the foot numerous times... we at least did get to hang out with our buddy Wes... and I mean at least Indiana won for his sake!!! Oh Well there is always next weekend for us.... I still love the spartans!!!!! and hey, for Wes's sake... Go Hoosiers (that is, until two weekends from now, and until basketball season)!

Friday September 28, 2007

The pic was a little blurry... cuz I was kind of embarassed to be taking a picture of a sign outside of ChiChi's, but me and Brady went out to eat at ChiChis, and it was nice to have a nice relaxing dinner.... seeing as things have been quite stressful over here, with the whole bank thing, and the working thirty nine some odd jobs.... hahaha.

Thursday September 27, 2007

I decided to jet off from working a few minutes early on Thursday (during my planning period) to relax for more than two minutes, and I treated myself to a pedicure and got my nails done! I am pretty proud of these fingernails!!! Its a french tip, with a little dash of green sparkle!!! GO STATE!!!

Wednesday September 26, 2007

The new background on our computer.... I wish I was there right now watching the sunset....

Tuesday September 25, 2007

The view from our upstairs living room....

Monday September 24, 2007

another day at west ranch

Sunday September 23, 3007

The plate and the chocolates I purchased with what little money I have... at Target. Makes it feel a little bit like fall.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Saturday September 22, 2007

So technically it is Saturday... and although I may have a post tomorrow about the Spartans.... I had to take a picture of the rainy night.... to prove to people it does rain in California.... it was downpouring tonight... granite the last time it rained out here was like in April.... Anyway.... I am driving home from scrapbooking and water is splashing all over the place... there is no where for any of the water to go.... Anyway... just thought I would post a post about the rain.... It'll be nice going to bed listening to the rain (it'll feel a little bit more like Michigan).

Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday September 21, 2007

Scrapbooking with Mitzi and Megan tonight!!!!!

Thursday September 20, 2007

Oh what to wear... what to wear...

Wednesday September 19, 2007

yup.... thats the man i married!!!!

Tuesday September 18, 2007

Hahahaha.... this one is really funny..... considering this is a pamphlet from Bank of America.... and considering what happened to us today....

Monday September 17, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday September 16, 2007

Well the kids got to paint... so why not me!!!! Mitzi was saying something about being instant family... or instant "aunt." It is crazy that I now have five nieces and nephews.... but they are darling little ones!!!! (Needless to say, it is nice when Brady and I get to go home afterwards;) )

Saturday September 15, 2007

Well we squeaked by with another win.. MSU 17 Pitt 13.... A little to close for comfort.

Friday September 14, 2007

Brady and I went to the Dodger game with Tracy and Brian. Tracy had won an auction and got these really good seats to the game and invited Brady and I to tag along!!!! Thanks Tracy!!!! By the way... the Dodgers won!

Thursday September 13, 2007

Our newly outfitted "guest" bathroom

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wednesday September 12, 2007

Our good ol' friend Smith lounging on the couch... watching our Big Ten network.... (of which we just switched our cable company to AT & T so we could get it...)

Tuesday September 11, 2007

We will always remember the day...

Monday September 10, 2007

I am proud to be an American!!!!

Sunday September 9, 2007

My level 5's competed on Sunday. They took second place.

Saturday September 8, 2007

My level four girls' first meet... We took third.

Friday September 7, 2007

Thursday September 6, 2007

This is where I am long term subbing at..... Algebra 2, Geometry, and Honors Alg. 2 Trig

Wednesday September 5, 2007

Tuesday September 4, 2007

Monday September 3, 2007