Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wednesday December 17, 2008

Today was a very strange day.... apparantley, there was a shoot out (not a hockey reference) like with actual guns down the street from us... when I came home from work, both entrances were blocked by police cars and they wouldn't let anybody in or out because the area was under investigation.... I tried calling everyone I knew in the state of California that I could chill with while the cops and dogs investigated my subdivision.... but then my phone died... So I went to the mall instead... which took me a HALF an hour to get ther and a HALF an hour to get back... because apparantly they shut EVERYTHING down when there is a little bit of percipitation and a little bit of cold whether... so every car in southern california was trying to drive through the Santa Clarita Valley..... Well, when I finally got home about an hour and a half later, the cops were still there, so I sat in my car and waited for another fifteen minutes, then got out and talked to the cops, and he finally let me through.... crazy....
Now to explain the pic... Beaumont has figured out what the suitcases mean.... they mean me and Brady are leaving for an extended period of time... so what does he do.... He pees in them.... DISGUSTING... so yes, those are our suitcases being rained on outside because they were stinking up our house and we had no where else to put them... needless to say we need new luggage before we leave for Michigan....

1 comment:

Burrill4Michigan said...

You will have to bring the cats to "Aunt" Mitzi before you pack!!! Hope to see you soon...but we are suppose to get pounded tonight:)