Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday November 10, 2008

SO ANNOYING..... I took this pic quickly as we were exiting the movie theater (thats why it is blurry), but omg.... i haven't the faintest idea what i did as a kid at the movies.... because apparently all they do now is text, giggle, and sneak in to rated r movies... heaven forbid they actually see AND dare I say it WATCH the movie that they paid for...... It is bad when the movie theater has to post a NO TEXTING sign... at least its not just in schools where we have the problem, its happening at the movies as well!!!!!!!!


ingrid said...

Interesting indeed, to pay money so you can text in the theatre. What a concept (sarcasm here.)

mitzi said...

::ducking my head::
I text at movies.

Jennifer said...

yes mitzi... but i believe that you don't text and then giggle about the text and then blind me with the bright screen after you snuck into the movie half way through... which forced me and brady to move our seats... cuz they were SO ANNOYING