Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday September 8, 2008

So I was tutoring a student this afternoon, and his book had a picture of Mohini!!!! I had to take a pic and text it to Mohini... I wonder if the textbook company is paying her privileges..... hahahaha. Anyway for all of you that don't know, Mohini and I worked together at Gym Jam, she was in the 2004 Olympics!!!!!!


Kris said...

That is so cool! That would be weird to open a math book and find your picture. Let us know if she knew about the picture in the math book.

Jennifer said...

no she didn't... she was like, that is so funny, and kinda cool... so i am assuming she didn't know about it, and doesn't get any moola for it!!! hahaha

mitzi said...

she probably signed something about allowing her photo to be used from the olympics. I wonder.

mitzi said...

By the way, did you see my photo in that same book? I am on page 365, doing a back handspring.