Our baby Izzo is sick.... we took him to the vet today because all he does is sleep, he doesn't move anywhere, he doesn't play, when Beau tries to play/attack him... Izzo just sits there... so we took him to the vet... the vet did bloodwork and other stuff and says its nothing serious... phew.... 168.00 later to tell us that Izzo has a cold and has to take antibiotics... but at least he should be fine in a week or so...
I also went out to Howl at the Moon at City Walk for my friend Tracy's 29th birthday! We had a fabulous time... If you have never gone to Howl at the Moon you totally should... it is not only a dueling piano bar, but they also have people playing the guitar and drums... it is AWESOME!

Poor baby Izzo!
Poor Izzo, he's lucky to have such caring people who would rush him to get taken care of. Hope antibiotics kick in quickly for him. He's so cute.
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