It seems like just yesterday I graduated!!!! It's funny though, as I looked back through my scrapbooks, me and my mom hosted a party for EVERYTHING!!!! We had birthday parties, we had "end of gymnastics FOREVER" parties, we had graduation parties, we had going away parties!!! It's so funny cuz the same people showed up to our house over and over again for the various parties!!!! And that is why they are my friends :)

I miss gymnastics.... I miss getting out there and competing for a school that I absolutely love... I miss the adreneline rush right before I went out there and competed... I miss the satisfaction I felt after doing my absolute best.... And I miss all of my teammates being there for me no matter what!

This page is hillarious.... Did we really do that??? All five us seniors dressed up as the spice girls for halloween and went from party to party performing!!!!! Lauren was Posh Spice (she looked the most like posh!), Merritt was Sporty Spice, Anna was Ginger Spice (she even had the hair color), Nicole was Scary Spice (took the time to curl her hair in TINY TINY ringlets) and I was Baby Spice!!!! I remember going to this one party and a group of guys were dressed up as TLC... and yep... you guessed it.... we had a sing off!!!! Hahaha... Good times :)

So I was trying to do a little more scrapbooking today but wasn't really inspired again... so instead I looked through ALL of my scrapbooks that I have out here in California... (which would be 11). It was absolutely hillarious looking through some of the pictures.... wondering why I did certain things... or looking at how I dressed and THINKING I actually looked good, etc.... I also looked through and realized how much I miss MSU and gymnastics and all of my friends.... I guess that is part of growing up though...