Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Saturday August 18, 2007
Friday August 17, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Sunday August 12, 2007
Saturday August 11, 2007
The California Reception was held today at the Choates house!!!! We appreciate everything they do for us!!!! It definately does not go unnoticed! We had a fabulous time and a great turn out. It was nice to see all of those California people be able to attend and be a part of our very special day!!!!!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Friday August 10, 2007
Oh Mitzi... I am sure Kris will have to agree with me, when I say, paybacks a b*$!#. Isn't this a beautiful picture of you blowing out your candles??? After Brady and I took the redeye flight in we got into California at approximately 5 AM. We went home took a quick nap and then turned right back around to pick up my mom and Aunt Joyce at the airport around noon. We then looked at wedding pics and video and then went over to Jerry's for Mitzi's birthday celebration!!!
Wednesday August 8, 2007
Tuesday August 7, 2007
We drove the infamous Road to Hana today. We stopped at multiple waterfall spots and a few hiking spots and finally reached the "Sacred 7 Pools" where Brady swam around and we both hiked around (I was not about to jump into those waters, because I saw black shrimp the size of my middle finger... and I also heard their were slugs around... so I just watched Brady!!!!) We stopped and saw a black sand beach on the way as well.
I am doing a lovely handstand pose near where the black sand beach was. (Once a gymnast always a gymnast).
We wrote down all of the falls names... but its late and I can't find it right now... so this is just one of the many falls we saw on the road to Hana.
Sunday August 5, 2007 (last day in Kauai)
We were originally planned to take the helicopter ride at 9 30 AM on Sunday.. we get there at around nine o clock, drive down to the helipad just to find out it is cancelled (see they even cancel helicopter rides in addition to airplanes.....) There seemed to be something wrong with the helicopter... of course I am ticked because that was the ONE thing we REALLY wanted to do, and we scheduled all of our other things around this helicopter tour... so of course I was about in tears... and was about to just forget the whole thing and get our money back... but Brady the sense of reason talked to the guy and got us in a flight at 2 30... boy am I glad we didn't throw in the towel. (70% of the island you can not see by car). We saw the whole island, Waimea Canyon (which is known as the Grand Canyon of the pacific) we also saw Mount Wai'ale'ale (which is the wettest spot on earth raining anywhere between 600-800 inches a year, whereas the northshore of the island maybe rains 8 inches). We were able to see our hotel and much much more. It was truly my favorite part of our Kauai trip... and to think if it wasn't for Brady we would have given up on it.
Here is the Na Pali Coast
Saturday August 4, 2007
We took a Catamaran up and down the Napali Coast of Kaui. There are only two ways to see the Napali Coast, either by sea or by air. Today we did it by boat, tomorrow we will do it by helicopter. These are just two of the twenty or so pictures we took of the coast. The sad part is, pictures don't even come close to showing the great magnitude and beauty of these cliffs and beaches.

Friday August 3, 2007
Brady and I did a kayaking, ziplining, hiking, cliff diving, rope swinging, and wagon riding excursion on Friday. It was an all day thing and totally fun! We kayaked down a river two miles, then we hiked to where the wagons were and went for a wagon ride, which followed our ziplining (which is pictured below) after that we hiked a little more to Kipu falls where we went cliff diving and rope swinging (the cliff was about 25 or so feet high until the water, same with the rope) both Brady and I enjoyed the jumping and the rope swing. After that we took the wagon back, hiked a little more, saw the rope swing that Indiana Jones swung on for a movie and took a motorized canoe back. It was SO MUCH FUN. It is so hard to pick just one or two pictures of the day, because we have so many....

Thursday August 2, 2007
Monday July 23, 2007
Sunday July 22, 2007 (6 DAYS)
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