Well its that time again.... studying for the CSET. I take the CSET this saturday afternoon.... right before me and brady leave for the red eye to Michigan.
The Gym Jam coaches, Cathy, Aladine, Tracy, Andrew and myself at the Elephant Bar to celebrate, as Andrew calls it, my last few days of freedom... I honestly think he is talking about Brady though!!! Brady came along to but he is behind the camera!
The semi finished project.... We painted two walls in our living room red... the back wall that leads into the dining room grey... It looks pretty darn nice.... but it sure was a project... we still would like to paint a few more walls....
I know I know... a week behind... but I went to Michigan and fell a little behind. But check out this ice cream maker we got... I CAN NOT WAIT TO USE IT!!!!
I got inspired by Friday nights scrapbooking to scrapbook ALL day Saturday... and since it was like 105 degrees on Saturday I did not have a problem staying inside all day.
Another couple gifts got shipped in today... here is all of our Pyrex ware.... we also got a Caphalon omelette skillet.... Now.... I just need to learn how to cook!!!! ;)
Yeah yeah... I know this is a stretch... but Brady won't let me take any more pictures of him for my blog.... so I went outside and took pictures of the flowers at nght... Makes for a cool pic.
I promise I did take a picture on Sunday... and if someone really wants me to post it I will.... but I liked this one so much better than the one I took!!! Thanks Kris and Casey for this pic... it is totally cute... You guys will make a California girl out of me yet... with me ane my little boogie board!